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Associacao AATE
Associacao AATE

Building an
Energy Cluster
in Portugal

Logotipo AATE Orange

Building an
Energy Cluster
in Portugal

Logotipo AATE Orange

The Association Alliance for the Energy Transition (AAET) aims to lay the foundations for a competitiveness cluster, through a dynamic and competitive ecosystem for the energy transition

The Association Alliance for the Energy Transition (AAET) aims to lay the foundations for a competitiveness cluster through a dynamic and competitive ecosystem for the energy transition.

Maximising the potential for creating value through collaboration between associates, taking advantage of their skills and representativeness.

Maximising the potential for creating value through collaboration between associates, taking advantage of their skills and representativeness.

AATE Drone
AATE Drone

Increasing the value delivered by ATE, ensuring the success of projects and contributing to a more sustainable and competitive future at international level.

Our objective is to represent and defend the interests of its members, creating opportunities for partnerships and business.

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