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This week, representatives from Efacec, INESC TEC and the CCG/ZGDV Institute met to discuss the architecture, specifications and identify case studies for the implementation of the Interoperable Platform for the Digitalisation of the Energy Sector, one of the assets under development as part of the Alliance for the Energy Transition.

This platform, equipped with Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotization and blockchain, aims to leverage interoperable digital services for companies and operators, enabling data exchange and the extraction of added value, integrating partners and stakeholders in the energy value chain.

Its functionalities are based on 3 pillars:

i) Simplifying the management and orchestration of cloud services;

ii) Ensuring data interoperability;

iii) Facilitating the extraction of value from this data.

This platform is aligned with European initiatives such as Gaia-X and IDS (International Data Spaces), adopting common standards to guarantee data interoperability and security in a European and global context.