As part of the Alliance for the Energy Transition’s series of webinars dedicated to the innovation and technology of products and services, we are organising the next webinar ‘Presentation of ATE’s upskilling training courses’ on 26 September, from 3.30pm to 4.45pm (exclusively for ATE promoters).
This session, moderated by INESC TEC, will present upskilling courses developed by INEGI, INESC-MN, ISQ, Instituto Superior Técnico and the University of Coimbra within WP15 of this Agenda.
These courses are focused on training the consortium’s employees in emerging areas in the energy sector, such as:
– Hydrogen and its Applications,
– Energy and Energy Efficiency,
– Maintenance and Intelligent Systems,
– Sustainability, Circularity and Renewable Energy Technologies.
You can check the Agenda here and register.
Pode consultar aqui a Agenda e fazer a sua inscrição.